How to Enjoy Coffee

Everyone is always asking, "how do you drink SO MUCH coffee?".

Well, the answer is simple.
I drink it a million different ways!

Early in the day, it's all about the milky drinks.

Latte's, cappuccino's, or just simply coffee and milk.

Definitely no fake creamer. Blegh!

Hey, I'm still a purist.

Plus, I'm definitely with the Italians in that there should be no milk in coffee after 11am.

Hate me? Fine! You can have until noon. Tops.

Ok, so what else you ask?

And lots of black coffee. Not so much Americano or Espresso.

And yea, generally unsweetened. There is already so much richness in coffee!

Have you noticed the nuttiness?!

Ok, the ULTIMATE coffee tip?!

Stop buying cheap burnt coffee!

Then take an inhalation while you take the first sip, and lastly, RELAX.

Yes, just seriously RELAX. Trust me, you can!

Lastly, coffee is probably best enjoyed with friends, or at least one good friend. And a chat.

You can always have wine later! That is probably what we all need anyway.

Less technology and more people.

